Directory of Environmental Groups
Welcome to the SCCC Directory! Browse below for local environmental non-profits and social justice groups working on environmental issues. Use ‘Find Listings’ to search for organizations by keyword, use ‘Advanced Search’ to search by field, see list below to browse by category, or click on ‘View All Listings’ to scroll through the entries. Click on an organization’s name or logo to see an extended listing including contact information. Contact us to add your organization to the Directory.
Several Sonoma County residents formed Forest Unlimited in 1995 after viewing with alarm the California Department of Forestry’s cavalier attitude toward the destruction of our forest lands. We felt it was important to educate the public about forestry law and regulation and encourage the citizens to participate in the public review process for logging plans.
The Friends of Lake Sonoma is a cadre of volunteers that supports the interpretive and educational programs managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Lake Sonoma.
We are a community dedicated to preserving, protecting, and restoring the Mark West Creek and its watershed as a natural and community resource.
To promote stewardship of the Petaluma River by working throughout its watershed supporting educational and recreational activities, creating and providing celebrations of the cultural and natural history of the River, promoting a community voice for the River and enhancing public access.
Our mission is changing lives and strengthening communities through the dignity and power of work. Each year we serve over 2,000 clients in a variety of job training, recovery and life-skills programs for people with disabilities and other barriers to employment.
Greenbelt Alliance is the champion of the places that make the Bay Area special. We defend natural and agricultural landscapes from development while helping create great cities and neighborhoods.
Building a healthy community by affecting lasting positive changes for the economic, social, spiritual, and physical well-being of the community.
We are a non-profit with the mission to restore and conserve the Laguna de Santa Rosa, and to inspire public appreciation of this Wetland of International Importance.
Our mission is to foster a love of the land in Sonoma County. LandPaths creates ways for people to experience the beauty, understand the value, and assist in healing the land in their local communities.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging the informed and active participation of citizens in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy.