Transition Sonoma Valley is building a responsive network of local citizens, groups and businesses to create a resilient, self-reliant community in response to the challenges of climate change, peak oil, and economic instability.
Transition US is a nonprofit organization that provides inspiration, encouragement, support, networking, and training for Transition Initiatives across the United States. We are working in close partnership with the Transition Network, a UK based organization that supports the international Transition Movement as a whole.
The purpose of this congregation is to provide a haven where members can share in a spiritually, culturally, and socially diverse local religious community.
United Anglers students operate and maintain a state-of-the-art conservation fish hatchery on the Casa Grande High School campus in Petaluma, CA, learning a range of relevant skills through practical application and intensive environmental curriculum.
Educate the community on zero waste, encourage zero waste as a goal for Sonoma County residents, cities, the county, businesses, institutions, and nonprofits, and more…