Environmentalists honored for their work

Enviro Updates
Four local awardees were honored at the annual Environmental Awards Dinner on March 16.
The Environmentalist of the Year is Stephen Fuller-Rowell. Stephen is a co-founder of the Sonoma County Water Coalition, a key alliance of water activists throughout the county, and an active member of the Southeast Greenway Campaign.
The award for Environmental Education Program went to STRAW, Students and Teachers Restoring a Watershed. STRAW trains teachers how to teach watershed restoration and has organized around 35,000 students to restore over 450 sites in the North Bay and 30 miles of habitat. Its founder and director is Laurette Rogers.
Anne Teller and her late husband Otto, have farmed organically and sustainably at Oak Hill Farm near Glen Ellen since 1955. Anne and her family, who have carried on the tradition of environmental commitment, received the Ernestine I Smith award for Lifetime Environmental Achievement.
Wendy Krupnick received a special award as ‘Queen Bee’ of the environmental community. Wendy is a hard-working member of countless groups, she constantly connects and motivates volunteers and nonprofits. She has a special interest in sustainable agriculture and habitat conservation and co-writes a gardening blog for iGROW.
Una Glass delivered a tribute to John Kramer, a valued and long-time member of the environmental community, who died in February.
The Awards Dinner is put on jointly by the Sonoma County Conservation Council and the Sonoma Group of the Sierra Club.

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