Judges uphold federal protection for fish in dispute over California water management

Jeremy P. Jacobs, GREENWIRE

Federal appellate judges today upheld the Fish and Wildlife Service’s finding that a California water project imperils an endangered fish, in a ruling that judges acknowledge would have "enormous practical implications" for the state’s water management.

The San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a lower-court ruling that invalidated the Fish and Wildlife Service’s biological opinion on the delta smelt, which concludes that the Central Valley Project and State Water Project pose a threat to the tiny fish.

Together, the two projects serve 200,000 water customers in Central and Southern California, including the country’s most diverse agricultural region.

via ENDANGERED SPECIES: Judges uphold federal protection for fish in dispute over Calif. water management — Thursday, March 13, 2014 — www.eenews.net.

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