Two widely used pesticides appear to be making honeybees abandon their hives during inopportune seasons, a new study suggests.
According to the study, published in the Bulletin of Insectology, a pair of neonicotinoids – a type of insecticide popular in developed countries – appears to be directly related to the collapse of honeybee colonies over cold winter seasons.
You may be familiar with the plight of the world’s honeybees, even if you found out about it just because of the ever-increasing price of pure honey. The total population of these insects appears to be declining, despite efforts to protect them from the effects of climate change – one of the original factors theorized to be behind an increasing number of failed hives. Other studies have revealed a recent influx of flower pollen transmitted diseases which can destroy a hive from the inside out.
via Pesticides to be Blamed For Dying Honeybees : News : Nature World News.