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Chileno Valley Newt Brigade on patrol again, as cold, wet nights bring newts and other critters onto the road


Newt patrol braves dark, wet nights to shepherd adult and juvenile newts and other amphibians and reptiles, across rural Chileno Valley Road in northern Marin County. Members hope eventually that a permanent, built crossing will eliminate the need for them.

It is dark and wet on Chileno Valley Road, but through the pitch black of this rainy night, glowing flashlight beams play along the road, illuminating the pavement and whatever may happen to crawl, slither or hop across it.

“Car!” someone yells.

As the call gets passed down the line, members of the Chileno Valley Newt Brigade retreat to the shoulders of the road ― lights to the ground, eyes toward the vehicle.

Then back onto the roadway they go, walking slowly, eyes trained in search of newts and other small critters that may need help getting to the other side before the next car comes.


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Best places to spot migrating newts in the North Bay


It’s breeding season for some species of amphibians – an ideal time to find them out and about

Holding a newt is one of the most sought-after wildlife encounters among the North Bay’s elementary school set. Each year, thousands of school kids eagerly await their field trip to one of our regional newt hotspots — Stuart Creek at Bouverie Preserve, the Frog Pond at Spring Lake Regional Park, Ledson Marsh at Trione-Annadel State Park and Martin Griffin Preserve on Bolinas Lagoon, to name a few.

It’s no wonder kids warm to these tiny cold-blooded critters. Unlike other wildlife their size, newts are eminently watchable. They don’t run or fly away, bite, scratch or sting. They don’t slime you with mucus like a banana slug, smear you in musk like a garter snake or pee on you like a toad.

You don’t have to be a kid, however, for a newt to steal your heart.

“Newts are so sweet, and soft and innocent-looking,” said Sally Gale of Chileno Valley in Marin County.