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All major economies promise to cut emissions


With Saudia Arabia’s pledge last week to cut emission, all of the world’s major economies are now on board.  In a nutshell, here is what they are promising.

Except as noted, the target dates are all 2030.  A number of countries have subsidiary promises in terms of percentage of renewable energy or of bigger cuts premised on international aid, which aren’t included here.


Australia.  26-28% (2005 baseline)

Canada. 30% (2005 baseline).

European Union. 40% (1990 baseline).

Japan. 26% (2013 baseline).

United States. 26-28% (2025 target, 2005 baseline).



Brazil. 37% (2005 baseline, 2025 target).

China. Peak emissions circa 2030. 

India.  33% cut in carbon intensity(2005 baseline). 

Russia. 25-30% (1990 baseline)



Argentina. 15% below business as usual (BAU).

Saudi Arabia. 130 million ton cut in annual emissions.

Indonesia. 29% (BAU baseline).

Mexico. 25% (BAU baseline).

South Africa. Peak emissions by 2025, followed by a plateau and then decline.

South Korea. 37% (BAU baseline).

Turkey. 21% (BAU baseline).


You’ll notice that the EU is promising the most, both in absolute numbers 40% and in the lowest baseline (1990).  Other developed countries are pledging smaller percentages and using a higher 2005 emission level as the baseline. Among the non-developed countries, Brazil’s pledge is notable because it is promising absolute cuts in emissions, not just reductions below business as usual or setting a future peak level.  But the fact that other major  non-developed countries have made pledges is a huge advance over the Kyoto Protocol, which did not require much of anything from them. 

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North Bay groups team up for climate mobilization

Stressing the need for action at the international Climate Change Talks COP21 this December in Paris, three North Bay environmental organizations have teamed up to encourage Sonoma County residents to join in a national climate mobilization campaign. 350 Sonoma County, Sonoma County Conservation Action and the Redwood Chapter of the Sierra Club are pooling their resources to provide bus transportation to the NorCal Climate Mobilization march and rally in Oakland November 21.
In addition, 350 Sonoma County is inviting residents to participate in the  “Redwood Revolution Community Climate Art Project” which will produce a ”forest” of redwood shaped recycled cardboard signs to deliver messages of hope and action at the Oakland rally.
The Paris Climate talks offer the greatest opportunity in years for new international government action to address climate change. New Obama Administration climate policies, China’s willingness to begin new climate programs, the incredible moral force of Pope Francis, as well as increasing occurrences of climate disruption set the stage for real action in Paris.
Without massive citizen action however, governments will not go nearly as far as necessary  in signing  serious binding  commitments to  curb global warming. The  November 21 Climate Mobilization and similar events around the country and world will tell our leaders that significant action is needed now.
Local Mobilization to Attend
The three North Bay groups have teamed up to rent buses that will leave from the Federal Building in downtown Santa Rosa and Sonoma State University. Buses will leave from the Santa Rosa Federal Building at 9am and return at 4pm on Saturday, November 21st. Roundtrip bus tickets are $20.  In addition, the Sierra Club is sponsoring a special bus for Santa Rosa Junior College and Sonoma State University students at a reduced rate of $5. The bus will pick up and return students to the Santa Rosa Federal Building and the SSU campus.
To purchase bus tickets go to
Go to:,, or for information about organizing for the rally and other local climate organizing and activism opportunities.
Source: North Bay Groups Team Up for Climate Mobilization