Cody Kitaura (Editor), SONOMA VALLEY PATCH
A state appeals court has upheld a San Francisco law banning the use of non-compostable plastic bags at checkout stands in retail stores and grocery markets.
The 2012 law, an expansion of an earlier measure, prohibits most single-use plastic checkout bags and requires stores to charge 10 cents for paper or compostable plastic bags.
The ordinance was upheld Tuesday by a three-judge panel of the state Court of Appeal in San Francisco. The court ruled on a challenge by the Los-Angeles-based Save the Plastic Bag Coalition, a manufacturers’ association that has been battling plastic bag laws around the state.
Among other arguments, the coalition claims paper bags are a greater burden to the environment than their plastic counterparts.
Supporters of the bans contend the laws reduce litter, waste, pollution of waterways and harm to wildlife.